In this chapter, we are returning to Sixam to see what’s going on in Luna & Raine’s lives.
If you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend going back and reading the Journey to Sixam chapters before reading this, as some of the stuff in this chapter may be a little more confusing otherwise.
Also, just like what happened with the Journey to Sixam chapters, this arc of the story will be split into multiple chapters (I always take too many pictures when it comes to Sixam).
Luna’s P.O.V.
As soon as we set foot in the party, I immediately want to turn and run as fast as I can. I could probably get away. Raine is close behind me, but I know he wouldn’t try to stop me.
Father, on the other hand, would definitely not let me go. He walks next to me, my hands clinging to his upper arm. I know he planned it this way.
Raine was supposed to be my escort to the party, but after I’d ditched the previous five parties, Father finally put his foot down.
“Enough is enough, Luna,” he’d said. “You are going to this party. It would not do for you to not be at your own engagement party.”
Engagement party. Betrothed.
“I feel sick,” I say.
I hear Raine sigh behind me, and I can just imagine him scratching the back of his head yet again.
Father doesn’t even look at me. “I heard you the last fifty times you said it, and my answer still stands: you are not leaving until the party is over.”
“I’m gonna throw up.”
“Go for it.”
“I’m gonna faint.”
“Be my guest.”
“Tch. This is complete squidgoo.”
He finally looks at me. His icy blue eyes are narrowed, and I can tell he’s trying very hard not to raise his voice and draw the attention of the party guests.
“Enough.” His voice is low and angry. “You cannot keep running away from your duty. You are to marry Orion and keep the Zones united. You’ve known that since you were little.”
I grind my teeth, an angry response bubbling across my tongue. “Did you decide to sacrifice my happiness before or after mom died?”
I regret saying it as soon as it escapes my lips.
I can feel Raine’s shocked gaze on my back. Father’s body goes completely rigid and the expression on his face looks as if I’ve slapped him.
“I-I’m sorry, Father.” I lower my gaze to the ground, watching the hem of my pink gown sway gently around my ankles.
Before he can say anything, a voice calls to us.
“Luna! There you are! And it is good to see you, Elder Regulus.”
My stomach churns when I see him, and now I really do feel like throwing up.
Father hides his pained expression and smiles at the man who now stands in front of us.
“It is good to see you, too, Orion. How are your parents?”
“They are well, thank you. They regret not being able to make it to the party.”
“That is quite alright,” Father says, nodding his head in understanding. “With the unrest among the other Zones, it was only a matter of time before Aries was effected as well. Your father must have his hands full.”
Orion smirks and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “They’re just a bunch of children masquerading as revolutionaries, running around and calling for change, but what is there to change? Things are perfect the way they are. I’m sure Father will have Aries properly sorted out in no time.”
Fat chance, I think to myself.
The revolution has been burning for many years now, ever since the Council of Elders enacted their ‘No Intimate Relations with Earthlings’ policy almost a century ago. It had always been there, but in recent years, it’s really started picking up steam. Here in the Zone of Aquarius, the revolution is still fairly new despite it being a huge thing in other Zones, yet it’s spread enough that I always hear a small group discussing it in hushed whispers in back alleys of Ursa Minor.
I often used to go with my friend Nayeli to visit Regan, a friend of ours that lives in Ursa Minor. The number of people whispering about revolution increases every day. And accompanying those whispers have been more and more pitying looks cast in my direction.
The daughter of Elder Regulus and granddaughter of Grand Elder Rigel, essentially a princess.
A princess being forced into an arranged marriage in order to unify the Zones.
As if that would stop the revolution.
If anything, the revolutionaries see me as another rung in the ladder that leads to change. The sad little princess they think they can one day convince to help change things around here. And Nayeli wonders why I make Regan come see us now instead of us going to see her.
It’s because of the increasingly bold revolutionaries combined with my need to escape Orion and pretty much everything, that I first started going outside the city. It was the only place where I could just run and run and not have to worry about the whispers, the pitying looks, or Orion’s clinginess.
And shortly after I started taking trips outside, I met Demetrius. He was the only one besides Nayeli, Regan, and my brothers that didn’t see me as Luna the princess, but as Luna, the 17-year-old girl dreaming to one day go to Earth.
Suddenly realizing where my mind is beginning to wander, I shake my head quickly, chasing away my treasonous thoughts. I hadn’t allowed myself to think of Demetrius, or my growing feelings for him, since he’d returned to Earth. I’ve been kept busy the past few months, so I haven’t even been out of Eridanus since I met Demetrius. However, despite trying hard not to think of him, I’ve still caught myself staring at my pinky and thinking of the promise we made to see each other again.
I jump at Orion’s voice and focus on him. “I-I’m sorry. What were you saying?”
He smiles and holds out his hand to me. “I asked if you would like to dance.”
I honestly would much rather kiss a space squid, but I don’t want to upset Father any further than I already have.
“That would be lovely,” I say, swallowing my feelings. I step away from Father and take Orion’s offered hand. He places my hand on his arm and leads me through the crowd to the dance floor.
He drops his arm and holds his hand out. I place my hand in his as he wraps his other arm around my back. I drop my other hand on his shoulder as the music starts. He begins to lead me in a slow dance. The crowd around us oohs and ahhs for a short time before they begin pairing off and dancing themselves.
I relax slightly now that their gazes are no longer focused on us. I turn my head to look up at Orion. He’s watching me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“I was just thinking,” he says. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. What have you been up to?”
Hiding from you.
“Nothing much, really,” I say. “I’ve been feeling kind of overwhelmed, so I’ve been taking a break from everything.”
“How so?”
I’m beginning to regret starting this conversation.
“Just... Don’t worry about it, okay?”
He stares at me for a few moments. The tempo of the music shifts and we slide back so that just our hands touch. I’m beginning to think that as every time before, he yet again is not getting the hint, but he surprises me when he slowly nods his head and changes the subject.
“You look beautiful today,” he says, flashing me a smile.
“Thank you.” I politely return his smile.
“I must say, a long gown like this suits you. You’re always wearing shabby clothes that make you blend in down in the slums. I still have yet to understand why you enjoy spending time there. There’s no way there’s anything of value.”
I feel the polite smile slip from my face.
“Orion, it’s called Ursa Minor, not the slums. And I have a very good friend who lives there, so of course I want to visit her.”
“But what of my sister? She’s your friend.”
“Yes, Nayeli is one of my best friends, but so is my friend that lives in Ursa Minor. I could’ve sworn I told you this countless times by now.”
I can feel my temper flaring and the nausea in my stomach is beginning to rear its ugly head again.
“Yes, yes, but to have a friendship with someone from the slums, it can’t be fated to last. She doesn’t run in the same circles as you, meaning she can’t even attend these parties.”
I stare at him, dumbfounded. He’s met Regan a few times before. Heck, she’s at this party now. He doesn’t even realize that she’s my friend from Ursa Minor.
“Probably best to end that friendship, sooner rather than later,” he continues. “Since you’ll soon be…”
I tune him out after that, preferring to retreat into my own thoughts. I’ll dance with him for a little while longer, long enough to make Father happy, then sneak away upstairs. I can only deal with Orion so long before he makes me want to hit something.
The song changes a few times, and Orion spins me around the dance floor with the other dancers, continuously jabbering on and on about situations I care nothing about.
I give a few muttered, one word responses when he asks me questions, but I don’t remember half of the ones he asks. I catch myself staring longingly at the balcony above us several times, wanting desperately to run.
At some point, I vaguely notice that Orion has stopped asking me questions and has gone silent.
A little surprised, I sneak a peek up at him.
My eyes meet his.
He just looks at me.
We’re spinning slowly in a circle, but as he continues to look at me, the spinning gets slower and slower, until eventually we stop. We’re the only ones on the dance floor not moving. Nobody seems to notice, yet it still feels like there’s a spotlight directly on us.
I shift uncomfortably on my feet.
“Orion…?” I ask hesitantly.
His hand reaches up and I feel his fingers brush ever so gently against the point of my ear. My body jerks slightly at his touch.
My ears are probably the most sensitive part of my body and I don’t like people casually touching them, which is why I usually leave my hair down over them. My grandmother wouldn’t let me leave my hair down this time though, so I did my best to keep them covered.
Apparently I didn’t cover them well enough.
Orion runs his fingertips slowly down the edge of my ear, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from gasping aloud. I can feel a blush rising in my cheeks. Tears threaten to spill.
Please just make him stop…!
His hand goes still and lowers to my neck. Relieved he finally stopped touching my ear, I allow myself to relax briefly.
However, before I can fully grab hold of my irritation with him again, his hands slide down to my arms and he leans in.
His lips press against mine.
My body goes completely rigid. My mind is a jumbled mess.
Orion leans in and deepens the kiss.
As I struggle to regain control of my thoughts, the memory of my pinky promise with Demetrius rises to the forefront.
“It’s a promise, then.”
My mind remains a hurricane of thoughts, but one thought rises above the rest.
I don’t want this…!
I push my hands against Orion’s chest and shove him away.
I gasp for air, trying to regain some semblance of composure, but I know full well that’s not gonna happen with how angry I am.
I settle instead for at least gaining my breath back. When my breathing has normalized for the most part, I whip my head up and jab my finger at him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I hiss.
He glares at me. “What’s wrong with me? I should be asking what’s wrong with you!”
“You don’t just go kissing someone!”
“I didn’t kiss ‘someone,’ I kissed you, my fiancée!”
“I don’t want to be kissed!” My body is shaking, but I’m too angry to care. “Why are you even kissing me right now anyways? This is an arranged engagement and the wedding isn’t supposed to happen for almost a year!”
Orion stares at me as if I’ve grown a second head.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I cry.
“Luna.” He places his hand over the one I have pointing at him. “The wedding isn’t almost a year away.”
He sighs. “It’s next week.”
“Don’t lie to me!”
“I have no reason to lie.” Orion sighs again and rakes his hand through his hair. “Luna, our wedding is next week.”
It feels like the floor has dropped out from under me.
Th-This can’t be true… No way it can be true…!
My eyes frantically search the room until they find my brother. He’s the only one who is watching us. I stare at him, my gaze begging him to refute what Orion is saying.
I see the answer in Raine’s eyes as he looks away, pain at having kept it from me clear in their depths.
I feel like screaming.
I step back from Orion.
“I’m not feeling well,” I mumble.
I wrap my arms around my stomach and drift across the dance floor to the stairs.
Orion watches me go, but doesn’t try to stop me.
~To be continued~
I hope you guys enjoyed!
Please tell me your thoughts on this situation and what you think is gonna happen!
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